Rugby Franchises Owed $341k By Ticket Seller

October 21, 2020 by

New Zealand rugby clubs the Crusaders and the Hurricanes say they are owed a combined total of $341,000 in ticket sales by collapsed ticket seller Ticket Rocket.

The clubs are now embroiled in separate legal battles with the defunct ticket retailer and have filed their respective claims at the High Court in Dunedin. The Crusaders are claiming an amount of $155,000 in unpaid sales earnings, and the Crusaders say they’re $186,000 in the ticket-sales red as a result of Ticket Rocket.

The struggling Dunedin-based company, formerly known as TicketDirect, is being sued alongside parent company Fortress Information Systems Ltd. The Crusaders served their claim on Ticket Rocket earlier this year on June 26. The demand from the franchise is that the debt be repaid – failing which the club intends to proceed with an application to have the embattled ticket retailer declared liquidated.

The initial agreements between the clubs and the retailer involved money generated from the sale of tickets to be held in a Trust account registered in the name of Ticket Rocket, before ultimately becoming due for forward payment to the franchises. The company not only failed to forward transmit the money due to the clubs but has in the meantime also declared itself unable to pay its outstanding debts. The company is a result of its failure and/or inability to pay now regarded insolvent.

Since both claims are due to be heard by the High Court at Dunedin later this week, the franchises have as a result of legal restrictions not yet been at liberty to issue any comments to the media and public.

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